Account funds can be added through:
External application (User)
- Navigate to the provider home page (e.g.
- Click on 'My Account'
- Login with your account details
- Click on 'Account Balance'
- Click on 'Add Funds'
- Select the amount to be added under the 'Amount' field
- Select your preferred payment method under the 'Method' field
- Click on 'Add Funds'
- Fill in all of the form details as required by the payment engine
External application (Admin) - Available on TELCOware systems only
- Login to the administration interface
- Navigate to 'Accounts'
- Locate the user through the 'Search' bar on top
- Click on username under the 'Contact field (e.g. 'John Smith')
- Click on 'Balances'
- Click on 'Add Funds' (This step will redirect you to the 'My Accounts' page)
- Select the amount to be added under the 'Amount' field
- Select your preferred payment method under the 'Method' field
- Click on 'Add Funds'
- Fill in all of the form details as required by the payment engine
Internal application (Admin) - Login to the administration interface
- Navigate to 'Extensions'
- Click on 'Edit'
- Click on 'Advanced Options'
- Click on 'Credit/Debit'
- Set the payment method under the 'Type' field
- Set the amount to be added under the 'Amount' field
- Set the payment reference number under 'Ref No:'
- Set the payment short note under the 'Notes' field
- Click on 'Send'