This is the procedure for creating and maintaining a highly available phone system using our appliances. It consist of two appliances, "hot" and "cold". "Hot" is an active appliance providing all services. A "Cold" appliance is identical in appliance but is not used and remains turned off. In case of hardware failure on a "hot" appliance, the "cold" appliance will be used to continue providing services. Here is how:
First you must backup the "hot" appliance by using our backup procedure described here:
This will make a backup of your system's current state.
To restore the latest backed up state to a "cold" appliance you will plug your USB-HDD in and follow the restore procedure detailed here:
This will restore your latest system state on the standby appliance.
NOTE: The normal and the standby appliances must have the same license key, meaning that your license key must include both of their MAC addresses.