Bicom Systems

Our Story: Shaping the Future of Unified Communications


Pioneering UC Innovation Since 2003

How we started

At Bicom Systems, we’ve been at the forefront of Unified Communications innovation since 2003. Our journey began with a mission to harness the potential of Open Source Telephony Projects and bring them to the commercial world. Over the years, we’ve meticulously integrated these innovations into our Telecoms Management Software suite, creating a powerful synergy that empowers businesses of all sizes.

Bicom Systems Company Team Picture
The Birth of PBXware

A Turning Point In September 2004, Bicom Systems achieved a monumental milestone by launching PBXware, our groundbreaking software. With this launch, we proudly became the first company to deliver an Open Standards Turnkey Telephony System, setting a new standard in the telephony industry.

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Why Work With Us?

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The Bicom Systems Team – Your Trusted Partner

Our success story is not just about technology, it’s about people. At Bicom Systems, our dedicated team is the driving force behind our achievements. By seamlessly integrating open standards telephony with our proprietary software, we provide turnkey solutions tailored to the unique needs of SMBs, Enterprises, and Governments worldwide. We do this within a cost-effective framework that ensures your business thrives.

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Our Vision – Redefining Unified Communications

Since our inception, we’ve held a bold vision: to unify communications. Through relentless innovation and commitment to excellence, we aim to transform the way businesses communicate, collaborate, and connect.

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Our Strategy – Quality Systems and Lasting Relationships

Our strategy is simple yet effective. We focus on producing high-quality systems while forging strong, lasting relationships with partners. By doing so, we aim to maximize the reach of our products, ensuring they benefit organizations far and wide.

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Our Mission

We partner with Service Providers to create, unify and support the most advanced of current technologies to help businesses communicate, collaborate and connect more productively.

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To liberate the world from traditional communication systems.


Partner with us. We want to see you succeed.


 Our Guiding Principles

At the core of Bicom Systems lies a strong ethical foundation. Our Code of Ethics reflects our commitment to integrity, transparency, and responsible business practices. We value our relationships with employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, competitors, and the global community. We uphold:
Honest and ethical conduct
Compliance with laws and regulations
Prompt reporting of code violations
Relationships with Customers – A Commitment to Integrity

In our dealings with customers, integrity reigns supreme. We pledge to provide consistent, value-driven products and services while safeguarding customer confidentiality.

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Relations with Shareholders and Creditors – Fiduciary Responsibility

Our obligation to shareholders is fiduciary, and we act in their best interests at all times. We communicate honestly about our business, achievements, and prospects, ensuring the protection of our creditors’ interests.

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Employee Relations – A Culture of Respect

Our relationships with employees are built on respect and merit. We recruit and promote based on merit, free from discrimination. We offer fair and just remuneration, support career development, and expect our employees to uphold high ethical standards

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Relations with Suppliers – Trust and Confidentiality

With our suppliers, we cultivate relationships built on mutual trust. All commercially sensitive matters remain confidential, and we staunchly refuse to engage with any supplier involved in child labor.

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Commitment to the Environment

Bicom Systems is committed to environmental conservation. We use resources carefully, understanding the importance of responsible resource management.

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Compliance and Accountability

We take transgressions of our Code of Ethics seriously. Any employee found in violation may face disciplinary actions, including dismissal if necessary. We encourage employees to voice concerns about unethical behavior and provide a safe reporting mechanism.


Join us on our journey to reshape the future of communication and experience the difference with Bicom Systems.

For inquiries regarding our Code of Ethics or any related matters, please reach out to our Sales Team. We are committed to upholding our principles and values, and your feedback is invaluable. At Bicom Systems, we’re not just a technology company; we’re a driving force for positive change in the Unified Communications industry.


We have deployed on every continent!

global reach

60% North America | 15% Europe | 25% Rest of the World

Our products are used daily by


Our Offices

Bicom Systems (USA)

2719 Hollywood Blvd B-128 Hollywood, Florida 33020-4821 United States

+1 (954) 278 8470

+1 (619) 760 7777

+1 (954) 278 8471

Bicom Systems

Unit 5 Rockware Business Centre 5 Rockware Avenue Greenford UB6 0AA United Kingdom

+44 (0) 20 33 99 88 00

Bicom Systems (France)

c/o Athena Global Services Telecom

229 rue Saint-Honoré – 75001 Paris

+33 (0) 185 001 000

Bicom Systems (Canada)

Hilyard Place B-125 Saint John, New Brunswick E2K 1J5 Canada

+1 (647) 313 1515

+1 (506) 635 1135

Bicom Systems
(South Africa)

12 Houtkapper Road, Magaliessig, 2067 South Africa

+27 (10) 0011390

Bicom Systems (Italy)

Via Marie Curie, 3 50051 Castelfiorentino – Firenze Italy

+39 0571 1661119